Recent Storm Damage Posts

Northeast Ice Dam Prevention and Remediation: Essential Tips

5/15/2024 (Permalink)

As the winter chill sets in, homeowners in the Northeast are bracing themselves for the challenges that come with colder temperatures, one of which is the dreaded ice dam. Ice dams not only pose a threat to the structural integrity of your home but can also lead to water damage and other costly repairs if not addressed promptly. At SERVPRO®, we understand the importance of proactive measures to prevent and remediate ice dams. In this blog post, we'll share essential tips to help you safeguard your home during the winter months.

Understanding Ice Dams

Ice dams form when snow on the roof melts, and the water refreezes at the eaves. This creates a barrier that prevents proper drainage, leading to water seepage into your home. The Northeast, with its frigid winters, is particularly prone to ice dam formation.

Preventive Measures

Proper Insulation

Ensure your attic is adequately insulated to maintain a consistent temperature on your roof. This prevents uneven melting and refreezing of snow, minimizing the risk of ice dam formation.


Proper ventilation in the attic is crucial. It helps regulate the temperature and prevents warm air from getting trapped, which can contribute to ice dam formation. Consider installing roof vents or a ridge vent to promote airflow.

Gutter Maintenance

Keep gutters clean and free of debris. Clogged gutters can contribute to ice dam formation by preventing proper drainage. Regularly remove leaves, twigs, and other obstructions.

Heat Cables

Consider installing heat cables along the eaves and gutters. These cables generate heat to prevent ice buildup, offering an additional layer of protection during extreme cold spells.

Remediation Tips

Professional Assessment

If you notice the signs of an ice dam, such as icicles hanging from the roof or water stains on interior walls, seek professional assistance. SERVPRO experts can assess the situation and provide targeted solutions.

Safe Removal

Attempting to remove ice dams yourself can be risky. Our trained technicians use safe and effective methods, such as steam or hot water, to melt the ice without causing further damage to your roof.

Water Damage Restoration

In the unfortunate event of water damage, swift action is crucial. Our team at SERVPRO is equipped to handle water extraction, drying, and restoration to minimize the impact on your home.

By implementing these preventative measures and knowing what to do in the event of an ice dam, you can protect your home from potential damage. At SERVPRO, we're committed to helping homeowners in the Northeast navigate the challenges of winter weather. For expert assistance or more information on ice dam prevention and remediation, contact your local SERVPRO team today. Stay warm and worry-free this winter!

Weathering the Cold: A Guide to Staying Warm and Safe During Winter Storm Power Outages

1/10/2024 (Permalink)

As winter storms blanket the landscape in a serene white, they also bring the potential for power outages, leaving homes in the cold and dark. Knowing how to stay warm and safe during these challenging times is crucial. In this blog, we'll explore practical tips to help you navigate winter storm power outages and ensure the well-being of your household.

Dress in Layers

Start by layering your clothing to retain body heat. Opt for thermal undergarments, sweaters, and blankets to create a barrier against the cold. Don't forget to wear a hat, as a significant amount of body heat is lost through the head. Keep warm blankets and sleeping bags readily accessible. Layering these on beds and couches provides extra insulation, helping to retain heat and keep you and your family warm.

Gather in a Central Location

During a power outage, gather everyone in a central location, such as the living room. Sharing body heat helps maintain warmth, and it allows you to focus your efforts on heating a smaller, more confined space.

Use Portable Heaters Safely

If you have a portable heater, use it cautiously and follow all safety guidelines. Keep heaters away from flammable materials, ensure proper ventilation, and turn them off when not in use or when everyone is asleep. Use battery-powered lanterns, flashlights, or LED candles for illumination. Avoid open flames, such as candles, as they pose a fire risk. Ensure you have a sufficient supply of batteries to keep your lights working.

Keep Doors Closed

Minimize the exchange of warm and cold air by keeping doors closed as much as possible. Designate one area for activities to concentrate heat and reduce the energy needed to warm the entire house. Use blankets or towels to block drafts under doors and cover windows to prevent heat loss. If you have them, thermal curtains or blankets can provide an additional layer of insulation  Stay active to generate body heat. Engage in light exercises or activities to keep your blood circulating. Group activities, such as playing board games or working on puzzles, can also help maintain warmth.

Stay Hydrated and Nourished

Consume warm beverages and eat hot meals to keep your body temperature up. Opt for non-perishable, easy-to-prepare foods, and make sure you have an adequate supply of water.

Plan for Essential Need

Keep a stock of essential items such as medications, baby supplies, and pet necessities. Plan for the needs of all household members, including those with specific health considerations or dietary restrictions. Stay connected with neighbors, especially those who may be more vulnerable to extreme cold. Collaborate on resources and support one another during the power outage.

Charge Devices in Advance

Charge electronic devices, such as smartphones and laptops, before the power outage. Use them sparingly to conserve battery power, and consider investing in portable chargers or power banks. If you live in an area prone to extended power outages, consider investing in a backup power source, such as a generator. Ensure you follow safety guidelines for generator use to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning.

Keep a battery-powered weather radio on hand to stay informed about weather conditions and emergency updates. This information is vital for understanding when power restoration is expected and if additional precautions are necessary.

Winter storm power outages can be challenging, but with thoughtful preparation and a focus on safety, you can navigate these situations effectively. By staying warm, connected, and well-informed, you'll be better equipped to weather the cold and ensure the comfort and safety of your household during winter storms.

How to Prepare Your Car for Severe Weather

9/11/2023 (Permalink)

Living in the Northeast means we're no strangers to severe weather. While it's crucial to prep your home, your car deserves some attention too! Stormy conditions can be tough on your vehicle, and the last thing you want is to be stuck or facing hefty repair bills. In this blog, we've got you covered with essential steps to make sure your car is ready to take on whatever Mother Nature throws your way.

  1. Tire-Check Your car's tires are the unsung heroes when it comes to handling storms, so give them some love:

    • Tire Tread: Ensure your tires have enough tread depth to grip wet or snowy roads. The magic number here is at least 2/32 inches. If you're bracing for heavy snow, consider swapping to winter tires.

    • Tire Pressure: Cold weather can make tire pressure drop. Check it regularly, and keep it at the levels recommended in your vehicle's manual or on the driver's door frame.

  2. Brake It Down Good brakes are your best friends when it's slippery out there:

    • Brake Pads: Take a peek at your brake pads' thickness. If they're looking thin, it can seriously affect your stopping distance, especially on slippery roads. Time for a replacement.

    • Brake Fluid: Make sure your brake fluid is at the right level. If it looks murky or dark, consider a flush and replacement.

  3. Battery Boost Cold weather can be a battery killer, and nobody wants a dead battery during a storm:

    • Battery Health: Get a pro mechanic to test your battery to ensure it's in top shape and holding a charge.

    • Clean Terminals: Keep those battery terminals free from corrosion and debris for a solid connection.

  4. Light Up and Wipe Away Visibility is king in stormy conditions:

    • Light Inspection: Check that all your lights—headlights, taillights, brake lights, and turn signals—are working correctly. Swap out any burnt-out bulbs.

    • Wiper Blade Refresh: Ensure your windshield wiper blades are in tip-top shape and can clear away rain, snow, or ice effectively.

  5. Emergency Readiness Being stranded during a storm is no picnic. Be prepared:

    • Emergency Kit: Keep an emergency kit in your car with extra blankets and warm clothes for chilly weather. A flashlight with spare batteries is a must for low-visibility conditions.

    • Snacks and Water: Non-perishable snacks and bottled water can keep you going if you're stuck for a while.

    • First-Aid Essentials: A basic first-aid kit is handy for minor injuries.

Don't wait until the last minute to get your car ready for storms. Checking your tires, brakes, battery, lights, and wipers beforehand can help you steer clear of potential troubles and breakdowns. Plus, having an emergency kit on hand ensures you're ready for any surprises. Stay safe on the road, no matter what the weather throws at you!

Storm-Proofing Your Home or Business in East Greenwich, RI

5/31/2023 (Permalink)

A green SERVPRO van on the road. Remember, prevention is always better than cure, so take action now to protect your property from storms.

Storms can be catastrophic to your home or business, causing significant damage and even posing a threat to your safety. However, there are measures you can take to avoid storm damage and minimize the risks. In this blog, we will provide you with some tips on how to avoid storm damage to your home or business in East Greenwich, RI.

Check for Vulnerabilities

Before a storm hits, it is crucial to identify the areas of your property that are most vulnerable to damage. For instance, if you have trees close to your house or business, make sure they are trimmed, and dead branches are removed. This will prevent them from falling and causing damage to your roof or windows. Additionally, ensure that your gutters are clear of debris to avoid water accumulation, which can cause leaks and flooding.

Secure Loose Objects

During a storm, loose objects like patio furniture, outdoor decorations, and trash cans can become projectiles, causing damage to your home or business. Therefore, it is essential to secure these items by bringing them indoors or tying them down.

Install Impact-Resistant Windows and Doors

One of the most effective ways to protect your home or business from storm damage is by installing impact-resistant windows and doors. These are specially designed to withstand high winds and debris, preventing them from breaking and causing damage. Moreover, they also provide added security to your property, making it difficult for intruders to gain access.

Invest in a Generator

Storms can cause power outages, leaving you without electricity for days or even weeks. Investing in a generator will ensure that you have a reliable source of power during a storm, allowing you to keep your essential appliances running. Moreover, it can also prevent water damage caused by sump pumps failing due to power outages.

Have a Plan in Place

Having a plan in place for dealing with storms can save you a lot of time and stress. Make sure that you know the evacuation routes in your area, have a designated meeting place for your family or employees, and have a disaster kit containing essential supplies such as food, water, and first aid items.

Hire a Professional Restoration Company

In the unfortunate event that your property suffers storm damage, it is essential to have a reliable restoration company on standby. These professionals, such as SERVPRO of East Greenwich/Warwick/Cranston, have the skills and equipment to restore your property to its pre-storm condition, minimizing damage and preventing further problems.

In conclusion, storm damage can be devastating to your home or business. However, by taking the above steps, you can avoid the worst of the damage and keep your property safe. Remember, prevention is always better than cure, so take action now to protect your property from storms.

Restoring Your Home after Storm Damage

1/20/2023 (Permalink)

Storm damage is never fun, but it can be especially frustrating if you have limited experience with home repair. In order to understand how to restore your home after storm damage, you need to know what kind of damage has been done and how much work it might take to fix that damage. If you're not sure where to start or what needs repairing first, here are some tips:

Assessing the Damage

Assessing damage to your home after a storm can be a daunting task, but it is important to do so as soon as possible to prevent further damage and begin the process of making repairs. Here are some steps you can take to assess your home for damage: 

  • Check for structural damage: Look for any cracks or damage to the foundation, walls, or roof of your home. 
  • Inspect the roof: Look for any missing or damaged shingles, as well as any damage to the flashing or gutters.
  • Check for water damage: Look for any water stains on the walls, ceilings, and floors. 
  • Check for damage to your windows and doors: Look for any cracked or broken glass, as well as any damage to the frames or seals. 
  • Inspect your appliances: Check your appliances such as the refrigerator, washing machine and dryer, dishwasher, and HVAC system to ensure they have not been damaged by the storm.
  • Take photos or video of the damages: This can help when you are submitting an insurance claim.
  • Inspect your belongings: Take pictures of the damage. 

It's important to remember that it is always best to consult with a professional if you notice significant damage or if you are unsure about how to make repairs. 

Cleaning Up After a Flood

One of the first steps in restoring your home after storm damage is to remove all the standing water, wet furniture, appliances, and carpets. If your home has sustained damage from a flood, it's important to take action quickly to prevent further damage by removing wet items. You should also remove any wet insulation, drywall, and wood that was exposed during the flooding. 

Repairing or Replacing

If the damage is severe, you may need to replace the whole thing. If your home has been damaged by flooding, it's important to consult a professional before making any decisions about how to proceed. However, if you live in an area prone to stormy weather, there are resources available that can help you repair and restore your home after a storm.

Check with insurance companies about what type of coverage might be available for home repairs associated with storms. Your insurance company may provide money for repairing damage caused by environmental hazards such as flooding and storms.

Call Storm Cleanup Experts For Assistance

If you experience storm damage to your Warwick home or business, give SERVPRO of East Greenwich/Warwick/Cranston a call today. We will be out quickly to fix the problem and restore your structure and belongings to their preloss conditions.

4 Ways to Prevent Damage During a Flood

7/29/2022 (Permalink)

Four Strategies to Avoid Damage During a Flood

Storms and bad weather in Cowesett, RI, can cause flooding which can damage your home. This type of damage can be severe, so it is best to prepare as much as you can. The following are a few things that you can do to help minimize the impact of this water on your house.

1. Inspect Your Home
If your house is already damaged, this can make any storm damage you experience even worse. Cracks in the exterior of the building and deteriorated door and window frames can allow moisture inside. If this happens, you could be dealing with mold growth and rotting materials later on. Perform a thorough inspection if you are expecting a storm, and make any necessary repairs.

2. Move Important Items
Flood damage will affect your belongings as well as the structure of your building. Absorbent materials and electronics can be permanently damaged if water enters your home. If your house has multiple levels, move anything you can to a higher floor. Otherwise, place important items on shelves and in airtight containers, if possible.

3. Clean Drains and Gutters
Leaves and debris can clog your gutters, making it more difficult for water to drain properly during a storm. This can cause the water to back up and cause damage to the walls and roof of the building. These should be cleaned regularly and kept clear.

4. Use Sandbags
While you may not be able to keep it from flooding, you can reduce the amount of water that enters your house. Use sandbags near doors and windows to keep moisture at bay. These will absorb water and help keep it from filling your home.
Using these tips can help you limit the impact that flooding has on your home. However, there may still be some damage. If this is the case, a clean up and restoration service can help. They can remove water from the building and perform repairs on your house and belongings.

3 Reasons To Consider Storm Shutters

6/20/2022 (Permalink)

Storm Shutters: 3 Reasons to Consider

It doesn't matter if high winds are a regular concern, or if you simply want to add some curb appeal to your East Greenwich, RI, home: Storm shutters are an investment. Here are three reasons to consider this home upgrade.

1. They Protect Your Home
The main reason to add shutters to your home is typically security-related. Preinstalled and easy-to-activate window coverings are one of the best ways to defend your house from hail, flying debris and any of the myriad concerns that can arise — in some cases literally — during severe or unusual weather.
Even if you're confident that there's enough plywood out in the shed to board up your windows when a storm's on its way, professionally engineered and installed window coverings are the safest and most convenient choice. They're built to take a beating and be swiftly deployed.

2. They Protect Your Home From More Than High Winds
Many exterior window coverings are a theft deterrent if for no other reason than that they safeguard the most fragile and burglar-friendly areas of your house: the windows.
The level of practical security they provide depends on the type of shutter you install and the materials used. Aluminum is a popular choice, for example, and many homeowners choose to put them in a position not only during storms but also while traveling in some instances.

3. They Can Increase Your Home's Resale Value
In addition to protecting your windows, several types of shutters are aesthetically pleasing and can boost your home's purchase price in the event that you'd like to sell it one day.
Keeping your home storm-ready is one of the smartest things you can do as a homeowner. Prevention and continued maintenance now may mean one less call to your local water damage restoration company after high winds or heavy rain in the future.

Negative Effects of and Protections Against Business Power Outages

4/26/2022 (Permalink)

Power line knock down. Concept of power outage When your business experiences a power outage, the results can be devastating.

The Consequences of Business Power Outages and How to Avoid Them

When your business experiences a power outage, the results can be devastating. Thankfully, there are measures you can take to mitigate the problems that come with suddenly lacking power. Here's some quick information regarding office power loss, along with tips on protecting data.

Effects of Losing Power

A heavy storm or blizzard can knock down power lines in Hillsgrove, RI, putting your company in an unenviable position. Some difficulties that come with suddenly losing energy include:

  • Spoiled food, when office lunches are no longer being refrigerated
  • Lowered productivity, triggered by the inability to access electronic systems
  • Lost income, due to clients severing ties as a result of dissatisfaction with lack of service

Additionally, there is the possibility that when a power outage ends there could be a power surge that causes a fire. Even minor blazes can create structural damage that must be fixed by a team of commercial restoration experts.

Protections Against Losing Power

There are numerous ways of keeping your business safe from a loss of power. One essential protective measure is to use a cloud backup and recovery system. Regularly duplicating electronic records keeps important information secure.
Assure that computers are always accessible by installing backup batteries. These replaceable life-savers typically last between three and five years. As a general rule, you want one with a wattage output capacity that is 20 to 25 percent higher than the devices it connects to.

Having a portable generator means lights can stay on until power is restored. A wide variety of options may be found at major hardware stores. Prices range between a few hundred dollars and a couple thousand.
Never ignore the importance of surge protectors. Without one, a sharp electrical rush might completely incapacitate your computer.
A power outage has the potential to wreak havoc on your office. Take steps to guard yours before bad weather brings about disaster.

The Top 3 Commercial Flood Preparation Tips

4/6/2022 (Permalink)

Flood Preparation Tips

Owners or occupants of commercial buildings prone to flooding should take measures to prepare properties in Warwick, RI. Planning ahead for flood damage can be beneficial, as it is more difficult to make good decisions when time is limited. Here are three of the most effective flood preparation tips.

1. Make a Flood Level Checklist

The critical utilities in a building should be installed above the Base Flood Elevation level. Any portable items used below this level should be listed and elevated above the level at which they are likely to be exposed to black water prior to flooding. Electric appliances used in office settings are likely to be ruined by exposure to any type of water, and grossly contaminated water can destroy many other types of contents.

2. Get Commercial Flood Insurance

Most commercial general property policies exclude flood damage. For this reason, commercial property owners may want to obtain a separate flood insurance policy through the National Flood Insurance Program or a private insurer. The NFIP General Property Form can insure building property up to $500,000 and personal property up to the same amount.

3. Consider Interruption Insurance

Neither a general commercial property nor an NFIP Commercial policy will offset financial losses that result from the inability of a business to operate for days or weeks due to damage. Business owners can calculate ongoing expenses during a shutdown and take out an interruption insurance policy with a high enough limit to offset these losses during the typical time frame for storm damage restoration.
When flooding is expected to occur in Warwick, RI, property owners or commercial tenants can use a checklist to remember to elevate delicate or important contents and take important safety measures. Maintaining business interruption or commercial flood insurance can also give a building or business owner more peace of mind in the event of a flood.

Causes and Effects of Ice Dams

1/11/2022 (Permalink)

When does a chunk of ice cause as much damage as a natural disaster? The answer may surprise you. With winter storm season approaching in Apponaug, RI, homeowners may not be aware of the danger of the ice dam. It sounds innocuous but can cause serious complications and damage to you and your home.

Causes of Ice Dams

In a perfect world snow accumulates, melts and drains. When this process does not go smoothly, an ice dam occurs. Just as with man-made dams, this wintry dam is a border of ice that commonly forms on the edge of the roof. Water backs up behind the dam and does not drain as expected. Common causes include:

• A poorly insulated or ventilated attic creates heat loss which melts snow on the roof. The water refreezes when it reaches the cooler edge, forming a dam.
• Chimneys or kitchen exhaust systems heat the roof when not extended far enough beyond the house. Unbalanced roof temperatures cause dangerous patterns of melting and freezing.

Effects of Ice Dams

How much damage can ice really cause? Actually, quite a bit. Serious implications of these dams include:

• Icicles look benign, even beautiful. However, there may be trouble when these wintry wonders form due to ice dams. Long, sharp icicles have a large amount of ice behind them when water does not drain. When broken, these objects have the potential to harm people or pull off portions of the housing exterior.
• When water cannot break through the dam, it often finds its way into your home. Resulting water damage impacts house structures and personal property. Water can spread quickly and cause secondary damage throughout, therefore it is best to work with a professional storm restoration company as soon as possible. You may wish to check with your insurance agent to see if ice dam coverage is included in your policy.

Ice in your beverage is welcome, but an ice dam on your roof is not. As a homeowner in Apponaug, RI, be on the lookout for this occurrence when the next winter storm visits.